Sunday, January 25, 2009

Week 1 - Challenge

Life Style Challenge -

"You ain't gonna miss your water until your well runs dry” - Bob Marley

So lets run our well dry ladies!! This weeks challenge is to get in as much water as possible. I know the new program allows us to count all liquids. The rule for this challenge is you can count up to 6 glasses (250ml x 6) a day of a liquid other than water. But if you want to get those points up anything more than 6 glasses has to be water...

For example :

Monday -

1 glass of orange juice
2 glasses of diet coke
1 cup of black coffee
1 cup of tea
1 glass milk
6 glasses of water

So this person would get 12 challenge points today. They have 6 points of their other liquids points and 6 water points.

Remember the maximum amount of points a day you can get for liquids other than water is 6.

The amount of points a day you get for water is unlimited!

Fitness Challenge -

"If you talk the talk, you better walk the walk" - Anthony J. D'Angelo

Pull out your week 2 and "Start moving more"! For those online members who don't have the meeting stuff, as your fellow teammates for more info on the walking plans.

This week we're going to get 1 point for each minute we walk. It's time to start getting rid of those Christmas pounds!! :)

Rules and stipulations:

1) You have to go for a walk - walking to the car or around the house or in the office doesn't count

2) If you jog/run you get 2 pts/minute

3) You can use the Walk away the Pound videos or any other equivalent

4) Walking on the spot while watching tv counts!

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