Sunday, January 25, 2009

Rules and Regulations!

1) Challenge runs from January 27th to March 23rd (8 weeks!)

2) WI day is TUESDAY! Every TUESDAY there will be a WI thread for you to post your weight and your challenge points. Try and keep this seperate from your daily thread to make it easier on your leaders.

3) If you feel something is too challenging or not challenging enough, please let me know and I will make modifications. We're here to encourage eachother, not to get injured or discouraged

4) Each week there is a lifestyle challenge and a fitness challenge. I will post each weeks challenges on the WW website on Monday nights. Tune into the website I have created for more details on the challenges.

There are 4 numbers to report each week:
1) Lifestyle Challenge
2) Fitness Challenge
3) AP's for the week (in minutes)
this will overlap with the fitness challenge, so don't forget to count all your points
4) OP - we'll leave the activity part out of this since we've already address it in other challenges. In an effort to keep this simple do we want to give ONE point for each day if you follow all of these guidelines:
a) use their daily points
b) don't go over their FP
c) Eat their F&V
d) Oils
e) Water
f) milk

5) This is a team effort. Please support your team with making sure you WI with them each week. If you don't WI for two consecutive weeks you will unfortunately be removed from the team.

6) Encourage new people to join! Let me know if there are new people that want to join! I'll do my best to get them on your team, but I need to try and keep the numbers even!

7) Have fun!!!!

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